February 2025 @ Hylé

February 2025 @ Hylé

Tech improvements

As usual, we made many tech improvements, which got us much closer to launching our first private testnet in Q2!

For a while, it involved weekly breaking changes. Some of you gave us very useful feedback on our development pace, so now we’ll rely more on RC versions. That way, breaking changes will be batched, making them less frequent.

We’ve kept posting our release notes in our docs and sharing them in real-time in our Telegram group.

The highlights in February included:

  • Ease of use improvements. We simplified smart contract structures. We added a contract SDK and JS SDK, as well as an endpoint for contract registration. And now, there’s a single-line command to start a devnet node with an indexer and PostgreSQL database!
  • Debugging features: we made logs less verbose when you don’t need them, and more verbose when you do − less noise, more signal! In the same vein, our indexer endpoint adds events to blob transactions, drastically improving the debugging experience.
  • Lots of performance optimizations.


We co-organized Real World Crypto in the Ledger offices in Paris. A technical issue prevented us from recording the talks, but fortunately, our co-organizer Nadim shared all the slides used by our four speakers!

Our founding team went to ETHDenver. This time, the traditional Hylé travel shenanigans involved a car accident and a typo in Sylve’s name that nearly prevented him from flying. Fortunately, Cécile, Sylve, and Lancelot arrived on site safe and sound and were able to speak at a bunch of talks, panels, and workshops. Stay tuned to this blog, as a deluge of transcripts, recaps, and videos always follows these events!

Learn with us

Our monthly podcast’s February episode featured an interview with Cursive’s Vivek. He discussed making cryptography accessible to everyone, why education matters so much, how to address the lack of data in the digital space, fixing the bottlenecks of MPC, and so much more!

[Podcast #5] Vivek on Cursive and making cryptography accessible
On the Hylé podcast, we talk about cool applications that leverage cryptography in general and zero-knowledge technology in particular, with a new guest for every episode. Vivek is a co-founder at Cursive, a team at the forefront of crypto education and design. If you prefer the written format, you can

Sylve was invited to the House of ZK podcast to discuss borders, the materiality of data, and trustlessness. His first interview on the podcast was all about explaining Hylé, and this one is much more philosophical. If you love thinking about ZK, freedom, and privacy, this is an episode that you must listen to at all costs!

Sylve on borders, truth, and hardness with House of ZK
Sylve was again invited to the House of ZK podcast to chat with Alice Liu, education lead at ZKM, and Ming Guo, chief scientist at ZKM. They discussed trustlessness, borders on the Internet, and what ZK brings to our shared cultures and relationships. Watch the video or read our highlights

We used the ETHDenver tranquillity (for those of us who didn’t attend) to review and update all our documents. Check out our updated quickstart and much-improved concept pages with their revamped navigation!

With this new documentation, you can learn everything about proof generation, identity management on Hylé, pipelined proving, and what makes Hylé different from old-school blockchains like Ethereum or Solana!

Hylé Developer Hub
Hylé is the new-generation base layer for the era of unchained applications. This is your developer documentation.


Our grantee, Vlad, finished his benchmark of ECDSA p256 signature in-browser proving. Stay tuned: we’ll publish the results before mid-March!

And finally: did you see our revamped website? Goodbye retrofuturism, hello massive, timeless structures!